Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sup family?

Our ward had another baptism! It was an investigator the sisters were teaching named Katie. Katie's legit! She's actually the person who referred that cool jazz bass kid Gabe. She referred him long before she was even baptized. Also awesome, last month she bore her testimony on fast Sunday. How cool is that?! She wasn't even a member yet and she got up there and testified of how she knew the gospel was true. Our converts have been preeeetty legit as of late.

Speaking of legit converts, Bailey is getting baptized this weekend! We're super stoked for her too. She has been involved in the ward choir and has played special musical numbers at church and other peoples' baptisms since waaay before she was a member! Seriously, our investigators are just members... that... aren't baptized. Anyway, she's really excited! She still hasn't talked to her parents about it, and we aren't sure when she's going to, but we're leaving that up to her. We pray for the best!

To add to our awesome investigators being awesome, Gabe said the closing prayer for Elder's Quorum last week. So... that's pretty legit too.

Jodie is still doing way good! She had a lot of concerns about going to the temple for baptisms and we did everything we could to resolve them. We didn't think she was convinced, but turns out she had an interview with the Bishop and we're pretty sure she went last week. Super cool! Usually after baptism we teach the "new member lessons" which is just the same 5 lessons retaught. We started those last week, and instead of us teaching her the Restoration, we role-played her teaching us and we pretended to be nonmembers! Sweet right? To top it all off, we gave her a hard-copy Preach My Gospel. Last week she texted us as she was hanging out with her friend and telling us how she got her to accept a Book of Mormon! She was talking about Creation and Genesis with her friend, then tied in Agency, somehow brought up Moroni 10, and her friend accepted it. What the heck? We told her we might as well give her a nametag. She even gave her friend a "will you" commitment invitation to read every day. I don't even know what else to say. Just "wow".

We got a couple other people that are awesome! We get a lot of referrals, which is always good. Member work is just the way to go!

As for me, I'm still great of course. We literally have the coveted spot of the mission. Being in University ward, in the Tempe YSA zone. Super legit. Our zone also doubled in size after transfers. Usually President would have each set of Zone Leaders be in a YSA ward, and they would be in charge of whatever zone is in their area. Things are changing recently where President wants to have ZL's for every Stake in the mission. So, since the YSA wards are in the YSA stake, they changed things around. Essentially, everyone in our zone is either a District Leader, Sister Training Leader, former Zone Leader, or a brand new trainee. Isn't that legit? Such a powerhouse. We were looking at our zone during planning and realized that 7 of the Elders are former ZL's and going home within 2 transfers. Anyway, I guess all I'm saying is... it's legit. I don't anticipate having too many issues within the zone. We are so blessed!

Anywho... that's all folks. Have a great week!

-Elder Cox

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